If you're struggling with unsightly white spots on your teeth, you're not alone. These imperfections, known as white spot lesions (WSLs), can arise from various factors such as fluorosis, demineralization, trauma, poor oral hygiene, or discoloration following orthodontic treatment.

In the past, the common solutions for treating WSLs involved complex and invasive procedures like injections, drilling, and restorations with resin or porcelain. However, there is now a more effective and less invasive option available — Icon treatment.

ADDIN DENTAL CLINIC is excited to offer this innovative, painless solution that targets and improves the appearance of white spot lesions without the need for extensive dental work. Icon treatment works by infiltrating the lesions with a special resin that helps to restore the tooth's natural color and texture. It's a straightforward procedure that preserves the integrity of your teeth while providing stunning results.

If you're interested in learning more about how Icon treatment can transform your smile, we invite you to contact ADDIN DENTAL CLINIC for a consultation. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve the smile you've always wanted!


Jika anda mempunyai bintik putih yang tidak cantik pada gigi,  Bintik ini, dikenali sebagai lesi bintik putih (WSLs), boleh terjadi akibat beberapa faktor seperti fluorosis, trauma, atau kebersihan mulut yang tidak baik.

Dulu, rawatan melibatkan prosedur yang menyakitkan seperti suntikan dan penggerudian. Kini, ADDIN DENTAL CLINIC menawarkan rawatan Icon gigi, yang adalah pilihan yang lebih mudah dan tidak menyakitkan. Rawatan ini membantu mengembalikan warna gigi tanpa kerja gigi yang rumit.

Jika anda ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang rawatan Icon dan bagaimana ia dapat membantu senyuman anda, hubungi ADDIN DENTAL CLINIC di Ampang dan Hulu langat  untuk konsultasi. Kami sedia membantu anda!